With these LECTURE DIARIES we travel to all sorts of places where Wim Wenders gave public talks lately, like Cologne, Paris, London, Lisbon, Cambridge (Harvard), New York and many others. We will update this page from time to time. Hop on and enjoy the ride!

Conversation with WIm Wenders, Barcelona (21.04.2023)

Masterclass as part of the 7th Festival Internacional de Cinema de Barcelona-Sant Jordi where Wim Wenders received the Honorary Award.


Masterclass as part of the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival where Wim Wenders was honoured with the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award and a retrospective.

  • Moderated by: Hella Wenders
  • English Language
  • Official Page: www.sff.ba/…

LEFFEST’19 Tokyo-Ga - Masterclass, Lisbon (23.11.2019)

Masterclass at the Lusófona University, following the screening of Tokyo-Ga as part of the Lisbon & Sintra Film Festival.

  • Moderated by: António Costa. Deputy director LEFFEST
  • English language
  • Official Page: www.leffest.com/…

Vorlesung: Das gute Leben-Resonanzen in Theologie, Kirche und Gesellschaft, Fribourg (13.06.2019)

Keynote Lecture “The loving gaze” on the occasion of the honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology at the University of Fribourg 1995.

Gespräch: Das gute Leben-Resonanzen in Theologie, Kirche und Gesellschaft, Fribourg (13.06.2019)

Conversation with Miroslav Volf and Hartmut Rosa about the “good life”.

A Sense of Place - der Ortssinn im Film, Köln (24.11.2018)

Masterclass on the topic ‚A Sense of Place’ explored through the restored film ‚Wings of Desire’, with students from ifs internationale filmschule köln + Academy of Media Arts Cologne.

Poetry in Motion, Cambridge, USA (09.09.2018)

Lecture originally presented by the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University as the 2018 Charles Eliot Norton Lectures.

The Visible and the Invisible, Cambridge, USA (02.09.2018)

Lecture originally presented by the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University as the 2018 Charles Eliot Norton Lectures.

Künstlergespräch, Berlin (08.07.2018)

Wim Wenders talks about the importance of photography in his cinematic work, on the occasion of his polaroid exhibition at C/O Berlin, at the Delphi Filmpalast.

  • Moderated by: Andrea Thilo, journalist and film producer
  • German language
  • Official Page: www.co-berlin.org/…

Leçon de cinéma avec Wim Wenders, Paris (09.03.2018)

Guest of Honor of Toute la mémoire du monde, the International Festival of Restored Films, Wim Wenders gave a Masterclass at the Cinémathèque Française for the 6th Edition of the festival.

  • Moderated by: Frédéric Bonnaud, General Director of the Cinémathèque française
  • French language, with German subtitles
  • Official Page: www.cinematheque.fr/…

Podiumsgespräch Museum | 3-D | Digital, Dresden (02.02.2018)

In conversation with Marion Ackermann, Wim Wenders discusses 3D from the perspective of a film-maker.

  • Moderated by: Marion Ackermann, director general of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
  • German language
  • Official Page: www.skd.museum/…

Masterclass mit Wim Wenders, Paris (15.9.2016)

Wim Wenders discusses the relationship between film and art in his and others‘ works, as part of the 2016 Journées Internationales du Film sur l‘ Art from the Musée du Louvre (JIFA).

An Evening with Wim Wenders and Peter Handke, New York (4.3.2015)

Filmmaker Wim Wenders and his longtime collaborator and Austrian author, Peter Handke recount their inspirations, childhoods and visiting America for the first time. As part of the 2015 MoMA Wim Wenders restrospective.

  • Moderated by: Ian Buruma, writer
  • English language
  • Official Page: www.moma.org/…

Wings of Time: A Conversation with Wim Wenders, Berlin (11.02.2015)

Subject of Berlinale Homage and recipient of an honorary Golden Bear for his lifetime achievement, Wenders elaborates on his career, his experiences working across various genres and international settings and what it means to stay on the vanguard of filmmaking.

  • Moderated by: Rainer Rother, Artistic Director of the Deutsche Kinemathek Museum for Film and Television
  • English language
  • Official Page: www.berlinale-talents.de/…